“As an educational consultant, I work directly with classroom teachers; this book focuses on my work with kindergarten through eighth grade public school teachers. These dedicated professionals bring me into their classrooms to observe them teaching their students. They welcome my suggestions, they allow me the opportunity to demonstrate techniques, strategies, and lessons with the kids they love in the domain they prize. The dialogue that results is a gold mine of growth! We teach and challenge each other, but most importantly we collaborate.”

Having worked with Ambrose for the last 25 years, I trust his instincts. He is always one of the first people I call for our Service Center’s professional development needs. So many books teach SEL skills, but this book teaches the teacher to actually get students to use their SEL skills to navigate life in the classroom!
Dr. Vanessa J. KinderExecutive DirectorSouth Cook ISC
This book provides a myriad of proven techniques that help address real-world situations that today’s students face in our turbulent society. Mr. Panico has found a practical way to guide teachers to empower students to solve conflict and make sound decisions using their SEL Skills.
Dr. Tina HallimanSuperintendent, SPEED Special Education Cooperative Dist. 802, President IASA-South Cook Region
The definition of a “whisperer” is a person who is unusually skilled at calming, guiding, or influencing other people. Ambrose Panico is a behavior disordered child whisperer. He also truly enjoys working with them. Every special education student or practitioner should read this powerful, commonsensical volume.
Dr. Karen E. Farrell, Psy. D., ABPPBoard Certified Clinical PsychologistPast President, Clinical Psychology Specialty Council Past Midwest Director, American Board of Clinical Psychology.

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