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Expert educational consulting for your schools
Our consultation services are here to provide tailored insights and strategies that empower you to achieve your goals. With a team of experienced professionals dedicated to understanding your unique needs, we work collaboratively to transform obstacles into opportunities. Whether you’re seeking expert advice, innovative solutions, or a fresh perspective, we’re committed to guiding you every step of the way. Let’s embark on this journey together and turn your vision into reality!
Keynote Addresses
“As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a child is humanized or humiliated.” – Haim Ginott
The keynote’s message is always simple, the teacher is the most important variable in the classroom. Your teachers will be recognized for all they do to not only educate their students but to fill the life -gaps many of their students’ face. They will be challenged to see the potential in every child and to embrace their families in a collaborative effort to make that potential a reality.
Keynote primary themes include:
- Being intentional about how we make our students feel.
- Being intentional about creating a Caring Classroom Community environment.
- Not only teaching but applying Social Emotional Learning Skills to daily classroom life.
- Understanding Transformative Classroom Management. Implementing 3-Dimensional Discipline. Preventative, Supportive, and Corrective.
My approach is to offer Theory, Best Practices, and Specific Teacher Behaviors to engage your teachers’ brains and compelling real-life stories to touch their hearts. No matter how large the audience I always include a couple of interactive activities to get them on their feet and laughing. The ultimate respect I have for teachers and the work they do is easily communicated – it’s real. I promise your teachers will leave energized and remembering why they wanted to be a teacher.
Keynotes are typically 60 to 75 minutes.
I am happy to collaborate with you to more precisely focus my message for your teachers, your district and your mission.
Special Keynote Package – Don’t let it be a one-and-done!
I offer a Keynote format that includes one of my books, a motivational bookmark, and a small but powerful mirror. When your teachers leave holding their copy of the book they are positioned to implement new strategies. The bookmark is a reminder of the message you deem most important. They will be asked to fix that little mirror to the inside cover of their book and encouraged to begin each day by looking themselves in the eye and asking, “How will I make my students feel today?”
I am always excited to significantly reduce my standard speaker’s fee so that you can choose the Keynote Book Option.
“We are using your book across the district in our monthly team meeting dedicated to Trauma Informed Practices. Your keynote got us started.” – DR. Cheryl Vacca, Assistant Superintendent, Midlothian, District 143
I am available to provide full-day (6 hour) and half-day (3 hour) workshops. All workshops are evidence-based, interactive, and take participants from sound theory to effective application. Regardless of the workshop, it will be a mix of lectures, class discussions, small group application activities, and experiential education experiences.
Workshop Themes Include:
• How do I teach SELS so that my kids use them
• Using Restorative Circles to teach and apply SELS
• Transformative classroom management & the 3 Dimensions of
• Developing inclusive Caring Classroom Communities where kids
feel safe enough to be brave
• Teaching and using a conflict resolution process that encourages
SELS application
• Using Individual Collaborative Conferences to encourage SELS use,
reduce ODR’s and suspensions and enhance teacher-student
• Tapping into the potency of Experiential Education, to get up and do
instead of sit and get
• Using Restorative Circles to help teachers evaluate their
professional practice as it relates to teaching SELS
The Administrator Academy – Professional Development Exclusively For Administrators and Other Leaders
Illinois clients: Participation satisfies the state board of education’s annual Administrator Academy requirement (Illinois Administrative Academy # 4093).
Participants learn how to close the chasm between teaching SELS and kids
using their skills. Using them to navigate classroom life; from making friends
to peacefully resolve conflicts, to actively participate in collaborative
discipline conferences – SELS has a role to play. Rooted in the belief that
kids thrive in environments where they feel safe so that they can be brave,
kind, and inclusive. Participants are asked to introspect about the
environments they offer their students. A blueprint for creating caring
classroom communities is provided. Participants experience the Essential
Elements necessary to facilitate kids using SELS in real life, in real-time, on
real situations, in real classrooms. They explore a resource that not only
includes these elements but offers a myriad of options they may choose from
to support, enhance, and activate whatever SELS curriculum they implement.
Pre-session assignments include reading the book, The Difference: Between
Teaching SELS and Kids Using Them, and completing the pre-session
components of the My Plan for Facilitating SELS Use in My School/District
(template provided). The pre-session component of the Academy will require
approximately 3 hours to complete. The participants’ partially completed plan
templates are shared, explored, and developed through a series of
Restorative Circles, and completed as the Individual
Application/Dissemination Activity during the 3-hour classroom direct
contact portion of the Academy. If individuals are participating as a school
team, they may choose to complete a school Application/Dissemination activity instead of individual activities. This option is recommended as it better supports implementation. Classroom Community Meeting Restorative Circles are included in the book as a Ready-to-Use Tool. By incorporating the tool into the Administrator Academy participant experience, Ambrose can model several of the book’s strategies. It also makes the Academy even more interactive.