Empowering teachers, schools & districts with
strategic solutions
With your goals and my guidance, we’ll create remarkable strategies for your students!
My new keynote & book option is so much more than the typical one-and-done – I’m excited to tell you about it.
Keynote themes include:
- Being intentional about how we make our students feel
- The importance of building classroom communities
- Teaching SELS in context and kids using them in the classroom
- Using 3 dimensional discipline to teach rather than levying discipline
- Building teacher power by solving problems at the classroom level
All participants leave with:
- A copy of The Difference (book)
- A reflection activity to assess the classroom climate
- A motivational bookmark with the message you deem most important
- A small mirror to fix to the inside cover their book and encouragement to begin the day looking at themselves in the eye and asking: “How will I make my kids feel today?”
This allows me to focus more on how I make your team feel and less on the minutia of the how to’s. This allows your teachers to trust me when I ask them to think a little less and feel a little more. The answer to my question “Why did you become a teacher?” is found in their hearts, not their frontal lobes. I promise your teachers will leave feeling good about being a teacher. They will be positioned to see the potential in every child. They will be eager to read the book, to evaluate their classroom culture – we created energy to investigate those How To’s. I use a blend of theory, practical strategies, real memories of real kids, humorous stories that include a serious message, and interactive activities that get you up and laughing . Because I want this to be so much more than a one-and-done, you’ll find that I found a way to make giving everyone a booked doable. I will significantly reduce my standard speakers fee…It’s worth it!

In The Difference :
Between Teaching Social Emotional Learning Skills and Kids Using Them, Ambrose Panico demystifies the gap between theoretical SEL teaching and its real-world application. As educators, we often
struggle with the chasm between teaching SEL skills and ensuring students effectively utilize them. Panico bridges this gap, providing a robust blueprint for fostering a caring classroom culture.
Dive into innovative strategies that encourage an inclusive social
atmosphere, equipping kids to actively use their SEL skills in classroom situations, from navigating the everyday nuances of academic life to resolving conflicts. While many resources offer lesson plans, The
Difference goes further, guiding educators in intentionally facilitating SEL skill use.
Within the nurturing boundaries of this book, readers are called to challenge the “meanness” our students face daily, Championing civility and understanding. Rooted in the belief that students thrive in environments where they feel safe, so they can be brave, kind, and inclusive. The Difference provides the toolkit every teacher needs to make this vision a reality. This valuable resource supports whatever SELS curriculum you use.

10 – 50 Workshop Book Orders
Everything you need for your next workshop.
– Level 1 reduced speaker fee
– Contact for Pricing / per book
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50 – 100 Workshop Book Oders
Everything you need for your next workshop.
– Level 2 reduced speaker fee
– Contact for Pricing / per book
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100+ Workshop Book Oders
Everything you need for your next workshop.
– Level 3 reduced speaker fee
– Contact for Pricing / per book
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Adventure Education
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Purchase Behave Yourself & Adventure Education by Ambrose Panico.
“Adventure Education for the Classroom Community is about nurturing a healthy learning environment where students feel connected, safe, and empowered. Please join with teachers who—like yourself—are committed to the healthy growth, development, and achievement of their students by including Adventure Education for the Classroom Community among your teaching essentials.”
— Mary Henton, Author of Adventure in the Classroom and Director of Professional Development, National Middle School Association, Westerville, Ohio
Adventure Education for the Classroom Community provides 94 activities for building lasting, trusting relationships among your students and then helping them learn the skills they need to be responsible members in any community: Communication, Planning, Decision making, Problem solving, Conflict resolution.
This stand-alone curriculum does not assume that teachers have access to experiential learning environments or special training. It does make one assumption, however—it assumes that teachers are adventurers!

Behave Yourself
Explore previous Titles
Purchase Behave Yourself & Adventure Education by Ambrose Panico.
Behave Yourself! explains how to develop sound behavior change plans for both general and special education students. It shows how to move beyond mere compliance with response to intervention and special education law to commitment with the intention of the law: finding effective ways to help all students change their behavior. M.T.S.S team members will learn specific strategies for developing behavior intervention plans (BIPs) that lead to long-term positive change. They will also gain the tools required to do this important work. Behave Yourself! arms your team with five potent behavior change tools that will make their work easier and more effective. The Plan to Do Better approach is a simple and direct five-step process that is designed to foster the development of a healthy relationship between the student, parents, and school personnel- often the foundation upon which the best results are built. Three guiding principles drive this approach: Never do anything to your students that you would not want done to you. Never do anything for your students that they can do for themselves. Empower your students to do the things they think they cannot do.
A powerful tool for teachers, Behave Yourself!:
- Focuses on engaging students as active participants in the behavior change process
- Outlines a process that unites problem-solving teams, parents, and students in creating a viable plan that results in changed behavior
- Offers proven alternatives to the typical rewards / punishment system of behavioral modification
- Emphasizes the importance of personal (internal) variables in addition to environmental (external) ones
- Offers an entire chapter of reproducibles that aid teachers and administrators in gathering information to begin and facilitate the behavior change process
- Includes detailed examples of successful behavior change plans to show exactly how to use the Plan to Do Better forms
What to expect from Ambrose Panico
Watch a full in-depth take on Ambrose Panico’s service offerings