Unlock the potential of your students with comprehensive resources.
Browse through a wide range of educational materials and find inspiration.
- Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- Website: casel.org
- Edutopia: Social-Emotional Learning
- The Aspen Institute: National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
- Website: aspeninstitute.org
- Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP)
- Website: mindfulnessinschools.org
- Scholastic: Social-Emotional Learning Resources
- Website: scholastic.com/SEL
- Social-Emotional Learning Alliance for the United States (SEL4US)
- Website: sel4us.org
- The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
- Website: ei.yale.edu
- Responsive Classroom
- Website: responsiveclassroom.org
- The Education Development Center (EDC): SEL Resources
- Website: edc.org
- CASEL’s Guide to Schoolwide SEL
- Website: casel.org/guide
- Greater Good Science Center
- Website: greatergood.berkeley.edu
- National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children (TLC)
- Website: traumainchildhood.org
- CASEL SEL Framework
- Website: casel.org/sel-framework
- EdWeek: Social-Emotional Learning
- Website: edweek.org
- Harvard Graduate School of Education: Making Caring Common
- Website: mcc.gse.harvard.edu
- Teaching Tolerance: Social-Emotional Learning
- Website: tolerance.org
- The Center for Responsive Schools
- Website: responsiveclassroom.org
- CASEL’s SEL Assessment Tools
- Website: casel.org/sel-assessment
- The Danielson Group: Framework for Teaching
- Website: danielsongroup.org
- The National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention
- Website: mentalhealthpromotions.org
- International Institute for Restorative Practices
- Website: iirp.edu
These resources cover a wide range of topics within SEL, including frameworks, assessments, best practices, and research insights, making them great additions to any SEL-focused learning.